Thursday, 10 January 2013

The DNA dilemma

        I just realized that the word dilemma is used a lot on this blog. Just an observation. So the DNA dilemma is a Time magazine article about......... A dilemma! The dilemma is, if you can find out what diseases a child will develope within a lifetime, do you tell the parents, and as a parent, if you find out, do you tell the child.
        If I was a doctor, or whomever gives the test, I would tell the parents. Unless knowing would have some sort of negative effect on the family. If i was a parent, If the child had a disease that would develope soon, I would tell them the second I found out. If the disease wasnt going to develope until they were much older I would wait until they were old enough to properly understand the situation. As the child, I would probably just accept it, and try to understand what was going on as best as I could.


Wednesday, 2 January 2013


2012 was a weird year for me. I lost friends because of one stupid jerk, but it made me closer to my real friends. I once and for all completely gave up singing, I don't have to waste time at lessons anymore . I started high school, and am enjoying it overall. I saw my Canadian cousins for the first time in a long time, even though Chris and Steve thought they were too cool to show up. Monica, my close family friend, passed away after being sick for a very long time. She felt well enough to be my confirmation sponser, and I am now a member of the church. So a mixed bag there.

I'm not really against New Year's resolutions or anything, but I can't think of any goal. I guess I could be more active, or eat healthier, or something of that nature. I think my resolution will just be to think of an epic resolution for next year.